About SD Carry

As a young boy in Texas, I grew up with guns. They were basic tools, much like my grandfather's mitre box or pipe wrench, there to perform specific tasks when called upon. I was taught gun safety by virtually every male adult in my family. I spent eight years in the US Navy operating and maintaing various guns from .30 caliber to 5" rifles.

After a few years as a moderator on a popular gun forum, I learned that there is much disinformation, prejudice and plain ignorance about guns posted constantly on the internet.

This blog is dedicated to sharing worthwhile information about the increasing acceptance and practice of legal concealed carry in our country. There is much mis-information and wild opinion about this topic among its practitioners and the public in general. The moral, social and legal responsibilities of concealed carry are immense and must be understood and practiced by all who legally carry a gun.

There is also a vast amount of practical and useful information about carrying and the weapons themselves and I hope to be able to share some of that here. Your comments are welcome, but will be moderated by me before appearing on this blog.

Stay safe.

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Friday, October 17, 2014

Lost in the Noise

As anyone who has access to any information source these days: television, radio, internet, facebook, email, and all the rest, can tell you, there is so much off-topic noise being screamed between individuals, interests groups, political parties, religious groups and everyone else with an agenda to protect, that the essential information we need to make rational decisions are drowned in the cacophony.

I think in the USA, politics is the worst offender, followed by religion, societal "it's all about us" groups, science deniers and the chemtrailers. Well, chemtrailers are more pathetic than serious, but they are also representative of what I mean. It appears that almost everything is co-opted by people with their own agendas. Not much is able to be discussed on it's merits, or demerits, without appeal to some external, irrelevant and often false notion, ideology or cultural phenomenon.

For example, guns. (You knew I'd get to this.) Say the word "gun" in almost any mixed gathering or company and you'll see what I mean. Anti-gun. Pro-gun. Anti-NRA. Pro-NRA. Mothers Against Guns. Mothers For Guns. Why would any sane person want a gun? Why wouldn't a sane person want a gun? Gun violence. No, just violence. Gun control. No, civil rights.

Facts and figures are put forward to prove one side or the other. Most often those "facts" and "figures" are wrong, biased or just plain made up. There are actual "facts" and "figures" available, but even when put forward and agreed to by all parties (seldom happens in the real world) that often makes no difference to opposing sides. I often see generalized references to "liberals" that categorize them as gun-haters. This is simple stereotyping. A quick look at the internet will find, for example, a foum hosting "Liberals with Guns". It does not follow that a person's social philosophy will dictate their decision about guns. I know many liberal veterans of our armed forces who have, use and like guns and promote their safe use by their families and friends. But, an unthinking "conservative" would blast them as liberal gun haters. And, by the same lights, I have some liberal friends who think all conservatives are wealthy, unfeeling, bigoted NRA gun nuts. All of these opinions are simple-minded, untrue and often block any attempts at understanding and empathy for the other person.

As long as the noise gets in the way of fruitful discussion, of understanding another person's attitudes and reasons for them, of approaching the issue, whether it be guns or something else, we will never be able to resolve these difficulties.

I think the best thing we could do is to keep politics, and similar irrelevant philosophies, out of the discussion. To that end, this blog is going to concentrate on what I consider the unbiased issues and advantages of concealed carry for the safety of oneself and others. No politics, religion, or social discrimination allowed.

Legally carried concealed firearms are there to give you and those innocent people around you a decided advantage should deadly violence threaten you, whether you are male, female, young, old, Republican, Democrat, gay or straight, black, brown, green, red or pale white, it doesn't matter. Humanity does.


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