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Monday, January 30, 2012

NRA and Politics

I am a member of the NRA, and plan to remain so. However, I am getting fed up with the continual barrage of emails and magazine content devoted to scare tactics and outright political distortions meant to make people vote for the candidates of their choice (regardless of the other issues on the table - not just Second Amendment rights), and to generate more money for their cause.

I want the NRA too get back to its roots as an association of gun owners and enthusiasts who support gun rights, safety, education and public awareness, not some "political action committee" dedicated to getting the candidates of the President and the board elected to office. For the NRA's information, there are many liberal minded citizens who support gun rights and the second amendment who do not also support right-wing conservative evangelical "the sky is falling" candidates or viewpoints. I am one of them and am tired of the NRA pushing the idea that since I am liberal in my political views, I must somehow be a gun hater and want to outlaw guns.

I will continue to be an NRA member in order to support their activities in support of our Second Amendment rights, education and safety, but will not give to their misguided and sometimes insulting political rants. In fact, NRA, reserve my annual membership money for activities directly related to gun rights legislation and educational programs, and don't give any of it to support political candidate activities.


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