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Friday, October 5, 2012

Versacarry Review and Field Notes - Update

Versacarry Lineu

I took two of the Versacarry holsters provided to me by the company and sent them to two forum members to try out and report on their impressions. You'll see those two reports below. One of the testers is male, and one female, so we get good feedback from both which is important due to the differences in sizes and body builds between the sexes.

I provided these reports to Versacarry for comment. I have included those below the two reports, and also a followup to an issue I experienced with a Versacarry and my Ruger SR9c yesterday.

First report from Ms. X:

Testing done with a Ruger LC9
I love the simplicity of the Versa-Carry design, even more so since they’ve added the trigger guard plate, which is reversible so it can be used whether you’re a righty or a lefty. The clip is a nice C shape, so there’s nothing for clothes to get caught on like some of the metal clips available out there.
Comfort level is excellent, since there’s no bulky leather or kydex to deal with. (I’m pretty small, at 5’2” and 115# - so most IWB holsters that I have tried take up nearly 1/3 of my waistline). I tried the Versa-Carry in many positions – appendix, cross draw, and everywhere from 3:00-5:30 positions. Appendix and cross draw felt great for me, with minimal printing from my firearm.  I suspect a larger frame firearm might rotate a bit, and cause more printing in just about any position, but I only tested on the LC9.
The draw was difficult at first, due to the post on the Versa-Carry being very form fitting in the barrel, but after a few dozen draws, it seemed a lot smoother. I can get a fairly solid grip on my firearm, and the draw is quick once the holster is broken in.
I don’t always wear a belt, so I tested both ways. With a belt, the clip holds tight and the holster stays where you put it with no movement or rotation. Without a belt, however, normal movement seems to make the holster clip rotate a bit, which means the butt of your gun may not be exactly where you expect it to be if you have to reach for it, and/or you may find yourself printing more than expected.
Re-holstering is not as easy, however. If carrying in the appendix or cross-draw position, I can suck in my gut, and get the weapon back on the post (but it’s not quick). In any other position, the holster must be removed from my waistband, the gun mounted back on the post, and then the whole assembly put back in the waistband. In everyday life, this isn’t a big deal, since 99.9% of the time you would holster up in the morning, and remove it at night before bed. 
Overall Thoughts
I didn’t think I would be comfortable using the Versa-Carry due to its minimalism, even though there is a trigger guard. I found the opposite to be true, however. Since the LC9 not only has a long trigger pull, but also an external safety, I found that my initial worries of accidentally shooting myself were mostly unfounded. I do carry with a round in the chamber, even though the folks at Versa-Carry recommend that you don’t (that is NOT an endorsement to go against the manufacturer’s advice – you have to weigh the pros/cons of that for yourself and make your own decision). I typically will put the external safety on though, just for that extra piece of mind. This could create a problem if I ever have to draw on someone though, since I train with safety off, and carry in my other holsters with the safety off. 
The Versa-Carry isn’t something I will use every day, and maybe not even on a regular rotating basis. But I do feel like there’s a place for it in my holster line up – I just have to figure out where that place is.

Second Report from Mr. X
Versa-Carry - Initial Impressions
The holster is definitely more comfortable on me than my leather backed kydex holster with two clips and I’m able to draw faster as well since I’m not messing with the leather.  Concealment is decent in the three through six o’clock range.  On me, appendix carry prints as the butt of the magazine is pushed outwards since there’s no Kydex to keep it from rotating.  Plus, since I don’t like the idea of not having a round chambered. I chambered a round but have it on safe which I feel comfortable with this since I have an ambidextrous safety. (Single side safety weapons would be hard to charge in a high-stress situation I believe).  So, long story short, having a round chambered in such an open holster makes me nervous about appendix carry.  I’d rather shoot myself in the leg or butt rather than my… well, you get the idea!
I don’t see it as a big problem, but there is also no good or quick way to draw and re-holster with the versa still in its carry position.  So, it wouldn’t be a good training holster, but seems to have a fairly quick draw speed which makes me like it as an every day carry option.  Initial draws were stiff due to the barrel post, but that seems to be getting better the more I work with it.
I would like to see the versa made with either an adjustable cant or various stationary position cant options.  For the three o’clock position, which is where I like to carry, a 15 to 30 degree forward cant would be optimal as it is easy and quick to draw and hides the flared extension on my magazine quite well.  Additionally, I’d like to see options for an adjustable clip to ride the weapon higher or lower.  As is, my SR9C rides low which doesn’t allow me to get a full 100% grip on the weapon.  Keeping the length of the plastic backer but moving the clip position down an inch would compensate for this.  Alternatively, an adjustable plastic clip (I love the clip on this thing more than the weak metal clips on most) would be ideal so a shooter could position the weapon based on their own preferences.
Versa-Carry – Extended Impressions
After using the Versa-Carry for a while, I finally gave up on it and went back to my forward-cant Kydex holster.  There are just too many negatives with an open holster that make it less than ideal for everyday carry and, now that I’m running a Smith and Wesson M&P without an external safety, there is no safe way to quickly and easily access the gun in a protection situation.  Sure, there is a trigger protector on one side, but that only helps if you don’t have a round in the chamber and if it doesn’t get snagged on your clothes during the draw.  The lack of an adjustable cant makes it nearly impossible to conceal adequately and the ability to re-holster is non-existent.  I just couldn’t see using this for anything but a back-up gun that was lightweight with an external safety and long trigger pull to boot.  Using an IWB kydex holster for everyday carry and a Fobus for training purposes suits my various needs perfectly well.  I don’t see the Versacarry staying in my line-up of holsters for anything at this point.

Response by Britton Boyd of Versacarry
Note: I have extracted these comments from Britton's email to me.

1- We are working on a unit that will have an adjustable canting feature. This is something we have been planning on doing since day one. We do know that carrying on your strong side almost requires some sort of cant at times. Once again, something we are going to release in the future when we get caught up with our massive amount of orders and production that take up all of our time.

2- With only having one attachment point, the Versacarry does need a sturdy carry belt to be most effective. The one attachment point make for our units to be inserted and removed easy, which is what we wanted in the design. 

The new revolver model has an optional trigger guard that covers both sides of the trigger. We are hoping to release those to the public later this year or early in 2013. ...I actually saw Justin (Owner/Creator) design and begin work for a new trigger guard for the semi-auto models. This new option will cover both sides of the trigger. I'm not sure of a release date on that, but will keep you updated. 

My recent issue:
After carrying my SR9c in my Versacarry all day, involving driving, walking, sitting and a general day of errands and shopping away from town, I had returned home and had accidentally dropped my sunglasses on the living room floor. I bent down to retrieve them and the magazine for the SR9c ejected itself and fell to the floor. I was wearing the Versacarry at the cross draw position clipped to my heavy Bear Creek gun belt. Upon inspecting the pistol back in the Versacarry, I saw that neither magazine release button is covered by the holster. Evidently, there was enough pressure on it from me, the belt or waistband and belt to actuate the release and drop the magazine. This would have been embarrassing at best if it had occurred in public, and unfortunate if I was doing something like ducking or crouching quickly for cover.
I brought this to the attention of Versacarry last night but have received no response as yet. I will post results when I do.
In the interim, if you use a Ruger SR9 or SR40 series pistol with a Versacarry be aware that this situation might arise if you are carrying at the cross draw or appendix positions.
I'm not drawing hasty conclusions from this until I have a chance to discuss it with the Versacarry folks who have been very responsive and positive to my questions and comments.

1 comment:

  1. I would say its more a problem with the gun than the versacarry. I have gone through 12 holsters and keep coming back to the versacarry. I carry 9mm XDS and the magazine release is almost next to impossible to activate with just bending over. Your gun is the problem not the holster. I even carry one in the chamber because the XDS has two safeties. You can't be a ninja while carrying the versacarry, you have to be very vigilant and aware that you cannot bend over, jump, run, crawl. That is not appropriate expectations from the versacarry.
