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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Return of the Ruger LC9 and another look at lasers

Yesterday I went to my local gun store and retrieved my lonely LC9 which had been on the block for a couple of months. Earlier, I had decided that since my main carry gun for self defense would be my Ruger SR9c, it made no real sense to keep the LC9 and I could, instead, sell it and buy a new Ruger SR22 pistol to improve my shooting accuracy by getting more range time in at a reasonable ammo price. I bought the .22 pistol and put the LC9 up for sale. All well and good until a couple of days ago.
My son and I went out to the range, as in open range, to get some target practice. All went well except when firing the Ruger LCP, which has been my main at-home, around the house, carry weapon. I mean, it is small, light and easy to carry pretty much in any position. Except ankle carry. I don't do ankle carry, maybe because I wear boots and that seems way too much. Besides, I don't fancy a weight hanging off my ankle, no matter how light it might be.

The LCP, which is always clean and lubricated, twice failed to come back into battery after firing rounds of Winchester White Box practice .380 ammo. Might have been a function of lightly-loaded cartridges, or might not. They also have a flat nose which might have been a factor. This, coupled with the unavoidable fact that I cannot shoot the LCP with the same accuracy beyond 3 to 5 yards that I can achieve with the SR9c or the LC9 decided me to put the LCP up in the safe while I figure out what it's future will be, and to retrieve the LC9 and use it for my carry piece along with the SR9c in rotation, or, more to the point, when I feel like it.

This factor, not being able to achieve acceptable accuracy with the LCP, is the most critical in my decision. When one legally carries a firearm for self defense, one of the most critical responsibilities is to cause no harm to innocent people. Too often, innocent bystanders are killed or wounded by well-meaning but unprepared legal gun owners because the gun owners do not have the necessary skills to hit what they are aiming to hit. This is especially true in high-pressure situations which define close encounter gun fights. You just can't take the shot if you don't have a clear field and if you don't think you can hit what you are aiming at. Period.

Thus, the reason for my purchase and training with a Ruger SR22 pistol. And also, my reason for reconsidering my earlier decision not to use, or at least evaluate the use of, a laser sight on my concealed carry gun.

I am considering testing a laser for the LC9. I have not used one before but am familiar with the pros and cons, since this is often a hot topic for the gun forums I frequent or moderate. I have before come down on the side of not using a laser, but I think before I take a definite stance, I need to have some practical, personal and real time experience with one. To this end, I have opened negotiations with one laser sight maker to test one of their products on the LC9. More on this as it develops.

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