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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Crimson Trace Installation

This will be a short post, since it was a brief installation. It is about a close to a no-brainer process as possible. Slip the battery into place. The instructions make it clear how to orient it - you have a 50-50 chance to get it right even if you didn't read the instructions, which I don't recommend. They are clear, accompanied by a useful "exploded" drawing and brief.

Slip the laser half of the Laserguard over the trigger guard. Attach the other half, press them together and secure with the two included screws and allen wrenches. Note: make sure the screws go in from the correct side!


Custom LCP. Skateboard tape on the receiver. Hand painted Ruger emblem. New Crimson Trace Laserguard.

The light is bright and tight. The on-off button on the front strap of the grip is always under your hand and when the pistol is gripped normally, it is on. The fit of the sight is perfect for the LCP with no appreciable gaps or wobble.

I dry fired a number of times and got instant feedback on my trigger pull. Not bad for an old guy. Live fire will probably tell a different story, but that is good. Improvement should be a constant process. For me, there are no issues with the Laserguard getting in the way of gripping or firing the pistol.

So, next will come a more extensive review after I have carried and used the LCP and Laserguard for a while. So far, I am impressed. Time will fill out that impression.

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