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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Inertia: lack of movement or activity especially when movement or activity is wanted or needed;

I live in a normally quiet small town. Very small, especially now, in the winter here at 7000' when the summer people are gone and the tourists stick to warmer climes. We have recently been reduced from two law enforcement officers, called Town Marshals, to one. The nearest town, which is significantly more populated with traffic lights, paved streets, restaurants and a movie, etc. is about fifteen minutes away by rapidly moving car. In this town, last week, a local woman was murdered in her home - beaten to death - and her husband was found unconscious and beaten on their front lawn.

I've been told by someone who ought to know, that this area is in a 'drug corridor' for transporters working their products up from Mexico. There are hundreds of square miles around this county which are home to only rocks, sage, tumbleweed, deer, coyote and meth cooks. This aint Mayberry.

Having coffee with a few friends a couple of days back, talk turned to the murder in the nearby town. Lots of speculation but no real information beyond the basic facts. I noted that there have been increasing incidents of break-ins this winter in or around our town. People looking to steal for their drug money we think. Not a bad assumption around here. So, I pondered aloud, what would you guys do if you and your wife came home tonight and surprised a few drugged out burglars in your home who would obviously be ready and willing to beat both of you to a pulp? Or maybe just shoot you both.

One of my friends opined that his 30-30 would handle the task.
"Oh, good. Where is it?" I asked.
"It's at home," he said.
"So, the bad guys could use that on you instead of just beating you both to death," says I.
"I've go my 12-gauge and my two dogs," another of my friends said.
"And they are where?" I asked.
"Home," he said.
"Not going to do you much good there. If the bad guys are in your house, they've already taken care of your dogs."
My other friend, a former Marine, seemed deep in thought.
"What about right now? We're sitting here in the corner, enjoying our coffee, and a couple of meth heads passing through needing some cash, decide to come in and rob everyone here. Maybe shoot up the place too," I said.
"Do you guys know that Colorado is a 'shall issue' state for concealed carry permits?"

The conversation continued for a while as I fielded questions about the concept of 'shall issue' and that it is legal to open carry, and to conceal carry while you are on your property or in your vehicle. This, unfortunately, was news to everyone but me.

I also encouraged them to apply for their permits and briefly described how and offered my help in so doing. They all said they would "think about it", which means, I think, they won't.

No one had the gumption to ask me if I was carrying. I would have said 'yes', of course and let the conversation take its course from there. But they didn't ask, although I could tell they wanted to know, but not enough to actually ask the question.

Yes, I had, as usual, my Ruger SR9c and a spare magazine.

My goal is to sign up at least one of my friends for their carry permit before spring arrives.

Wish me luck, and, what's keeping you?

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