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Thursday, September 25, 2014

ISIS Amongst Us?

Are there domestic ISIS terrorists among us here in the USA who are set to carry out random murders of American citizens? A scary thought, and the answer depends on who is giving it.
Obviously, jihad crazed religious nut-cases are real and have done real harm, and continue to do so. What makes these people more dangerous than the "average" terrorist with political or economic hate agendas is the fact that they are religious zealots who believe murdering non-believers is a sacred act for which they will be amply rewarded by God.
Although few anti-gun folks read, or will read, this blog and those who might, and those who have no faith in reality will counter that religion is not the issue. They will trot forth the poor Palestinian displaced from their homeland (which never existed until after WWII), their poverty and ill treatment by the evil Israelis. This is all a smoke screen to hide the obvious fact, a fact continually reiterated by the jihadists themselves in every way possible, that they are engaged in a religious war against the unbelievers. Period.
Is everyone in ISIS poor? A downtrodden Palestinian? Politically disenfranchised peasants yearning for a return to their "homeland"? Certainly not. What they are, in common, is a group determined to bring the rule of Islam to the world and if the world doesn't like it, then the world can die.
So, in my opinion, the efforts of this bizzare, murderous death-cult encouraging its members here in America, to start murdering our citizens until we give in to them, is not so far fetched. But, I would also say, it's no reason to go overboard. This isn't happening, contrary to the opinions and public statements of a few of our own nut-jobs. Due caution and preparations are in order, along with elevating everyone's awareness that this is a real possibility and to spark discussions of what can be done to deal with it.
In terms of self defense, it goes without saying that average citizens should be ready to defend themselves and their families, and, in this scenario, perhaps other innocent people as well. Due caution and respect for the law must be maintained, for we are not outlaws or terrorists, but people who are determined to preserve our freedoms and safety. I've read a few internet opinions, and a few from national new organizations, that call for everyone to be armed at all times. Not that I disagree with this in principle, but given the responsibilities – legal and practical – of carrying a firearm, that is not something that could be safely and properly accomplished overnight. One commentator declared that everyone should have both a "military-grade rifle" at home and a concealed carry firearm at all times. Why the average person would need a "military-grade rifle" is not clear. I'd venture that if squads of armed jihadists were roaming our streets, the armed response would not come from my neighbors shooting at them with their rifles, whatever quality and caliber they might be.
Now is the time to be alert and be ready, and to educate our friends and neighbors to the potential of jihad nut-jobs among us and educate them on the benefits and the responsibilities of American who are protected by, among other things, the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
I think it is appropriate that our local seasonal closing festivities will feature our veterans' Color Guard carrying the "Don't Tread On Me" flag. Up front and visible.

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