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Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Perfect Combination

The Ruger LCP .380 in a D.M. Bullard Cross Draw holster
In Europe the round we call a .380 is referred to as the "9mm Kurtz", or 9mm "short". Which, basically it is. I think Ruger has done a great deal to make this caliber extremely popular with the average concealed carry person here in the USA. Now, I understand that there are a number of individuals and writers, many who are comfortable with the term "expert" even though that is handed around a little too readily in some circles, who will disregard and disrespect the .380 round and handgun. This is unfortunate because the modern self-defense .380 cartridge is an ideal choice for most concealed carry folks when coupled with a good, reliable pistol, such as the current generation Ruger LCP and a quality holster designed for how most of spend our days.
As I posted earlier, the FBI has decided that, all factors considered, the 9mm is the ideal handgun choice. I think the .380 (the "short" version of the standard 9mm) is also an excellent round when loaded with modern self defense bullets like the Hornady Critical Defense. My opinion about this goes beyond mere caliber and bullet ballistics, but includes more practical considerations for the average person. You have to look at the gun, ammunition and concealed carry holster as a system. They all must work in conjunction to provide the best firearm and concealment system for you. Not for a real expert or LEO or military operator with hundreds of hours of training to rely on, but for the average Joe or Jane who carries in daily life with minimal training.
Here is why I like this setup: the Ruger LCP is a very light, compact pistol, which, with the new generation trigger, is easy to shoot, is made in a safe double action configuration requiring no manual safety, is inexpensive and affordable for the average person and handles the modern .380 ammo.
The ammo is now easily capable of stopping a threat. I'm not talking about stopping power, which is more relevant to Sharps buffalo rifles or elephant guns than any pistol, but about deactivating and disposing of an immediate threat. Just the sight of a gun making a perp flee is "stopping the threat". That's the aim of a self defense weapon. Stopping the threat.
The remaining item in this system is just as important: the holster. A light compact pistol deserves an efficient, quality holster so that the weapon is carried as often as possible. Around the house, doing yard work, shopping for groceries, picking the kids up from school, driving the car, sitting anywhere. To my mind a good cross draw holster is perfect for this. See my much earlier and lengthy post on why the cross draw carry is much better than you may have been led to think. One major factor in favor of this style of carry for most of us is the fact that we spend most of our ordinary days sitting. Sitting in the car, in a restaurant, at our desks and in our homes. The cross draw is the perfect holster for this. Comfortable, accessible and concealable.
So, my own perfect carry system is a Ruger LCP loaded with modern self defense ammo and carried in a D.M. Bullard cross draw OWB holster. After using Bullard's holsters I know they are high quality and will do what they have been designed and built to do for years. There are a few other makers who specialize in leather gun gear, but none better than Dave Bullard's. Equal, perhaps, but not better.
As regular readers will note, I am a big fan of Bullard holsters. For good reason. I have carried and tested them for years and they work. Even better, after they break in, they become like old, comfortable friends that I can always count on. If this sounds like a plug for Dave's holsters, it is.
So, think about a perfect system for you. I believe a small, compact 9mm or .380 handgun loaded with modern self defense ammo in a good cross draw rig is about perfect.

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