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Monday, July 27, 2015

A New Carry Gun, A New Laser

New CenterFire Laser from LaserMax
A few months ago I replaced my original Ruger LCP with one of their new models having the improved trigger and sights. The sights are still rudimentary and not useful for the intended purpose of this pistol, which is, concealed carry for up-close encounters. Although the LCP and its kin are often referred to as "point and shoot" guns, that moniker belies the fact that small, short barrel handguns are notoriously difficult to shoot with acceptable accuracy. We are not talking about bulls eyes or "driving tacks", but about hitting a 20" diameter circle at, say, five to fifteen yards, at the outside.

I've shot these small handguns a lot, and have helped and witnessed others to shoot and become familiar with them. They are not accurate in the hands of the ordinary person. Period. Standing at the range, wearing ear protectors, using two hands and sighting carefully, the average person who gets little to no practice can't hit a center-of-mass sized target more than two or three times out of seven shots. Take away the range environment and jack up the adrenaline, crank up the heart rate and the realization that someone close to you is about to do you bodily harm or death, and it just gets worse. Oh, and turn out the lights too.

I have reviewed laser sights and their advantages and disadvantages, which are few in comparison with the benefits they offer, elsewhere in this blog. See the links below. Here I would like to provide a brief update on the LaserMax CenterFire.

When I sold the old LCP, the laser went with it. Now, I'm a fair shot with my LCP but it quickly became obvious to me that I am a better one with a laser than without, so I acquired another CenterFire from LaserMax. (See below for my head-to-head laser comparison post.) I had it installed within  five minutes of opening the packaging. It is that easy. Mine required only slight tweaks in elevation and deflection to get the bright red dot exactly where I wanted it across the room and aligned with my iron sights.

The dot seems brighter to me than the one on my old laser, but I think they are the same power and wavelength. Perhaps the optics are a bit improved. I immediately liked the new switching arrangement: a "tap on", "tap off" switch that is easily accessed by my forefinger going right on top of it with the draw. If I want the laser on, a slight tap will do it. Tap again, and it is off. I developed the technique of just swiping my forefinger along the laser housing and protruding switch as I move it to the trigger. This automatically activates the laser.

Nice thing for me is that it doesn't activate unless I want it on.

Now, I'm back to my comfort zone for carrying small and concealed: the improved Ruger LCP and the improved LaserMax CenterFire.

Life is good.

See the links below for more information on my blog about lasers:

Laser Myths

Rail Mounted Micro Laser

Lasers: Pick your color

Dueling Lasers: LaserMax and Crimson Trace

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